At Come and Get It this week we have an Anything but a Card Challenge, So this is my project, it's a double page layout for the book I'm working on for my husband. It's the Klompenmakerij, which in English is the Wooden Shoe Maker. The pictures are of us in Best where we seen a gentlemen make the wooden shoes from the log off of a willow tree and through to the point of it drying out, then shown other ones that had been dried and were being either varnished or painted. The wood that is made into the shoe is wet when first starting the process, my husband is trying to blow some of the water out from a small hole, his brother is video taping him doing it, and his mom is also in the first picture watching him use the hatchet to shape the shoe from the original log. the final picture is my husband and I in the store beside the shop where they sell the shoes. I'm also going to post this one the sketches in tyme blog, as the layout is based on one of their sketches.
Thanks for looking